Before you do anything else, go bid on my octo-bear ink illustration over on eBay!This auction closes on Saturday. It is 18″ x 24″ which is a rare, large size for me to do. I very rarely do original art and when I do it is never this big. Of course I am experimenting right now to see if it is worth it to take a little time to make and sell original art to make some extra income. I guess we will find out with how these auctions go.
Thanks for reading, we’ll be back Wednesday.
Discussion (81) ¬
This could end badly for someone!
Why is it not next Wednesday? Ethan, I’ll give you my milk money to see the next page. :-p
Don’t worry, it is almost next Wednesday now.
-The Future
ps, still too long.
Don’t worry, now it’s next Wednesday.
-Further in the future
ps, It’s STILL too long. Update already, Ethan!
Ha, Creed sticker on the hippie wagon. In other news, OH SHIT HILLS DON’T STOP BEARS. Nothing stops bears. Nothing!
I think it says “Greed.” I think that would make more sense on a hippie wagon.
yes, it says “Abolish Human Greed”
Although “Abolish Creed” would make sense too.
Or “Abolish Human”
Ha! Great pop up text.
Not to defined Nigel, but has he really had a choice of where to drive? Not that I can blame Gogs and Joel for yelling though, either. Who wouldn’t?
It was hard to make it clear, it is supposed to look like he is taking the uphill turn at a fork in the road. It was a split second bad decision. Oh well.
Ah. Still, if you’ve got a bear on either side of the vehicle, you’d probably be prompted to take the straightest route possible.
Really, based on panel 1, it looks like your hill is trying for a loop-the-loop.
When bears are smart enough to warp the laws of physics, you know you’re in trouble.
At least there wasn’t a bumper sticker saying “I brake for animals”.
Let’s hope the bear on the driver’s side reaches in and takes a hunk of Nigel’s face.
He needs a “I eat keys for animals” bumper sticker.
Wow, thats how most of my family drives!
The I Heart Earth sticker is perfect when you see the toxic warning symbols on the fuel drums.
Okay, I’m officially on the “Ready for Nigel to die via bear” bandwagon.
Nigel will never die. He’s like a bad-guy wrestler, he’s just here to get heat and make us all hate him. He’s the Bobby Heenan of Bearmageddon.
Nice reference
How DID Nigel get this dumb? Is he dumb by birth, or is it chemically-enhanced stupid?
They bears will get a large fuel tank explosion in their faces… Right?
“Nigel how did you get so dumb?” That’s some quotable stuff right there.
i call “t-shirt quote” in advance!!!
There was a set of signs that looked like this on the road, wasn’t there?
Love the artwork and detail on the Coexist bumper sticker. It gives me one single thing to not-hate Nigel about for a few weeks. On his tombstone, they can inscribe: Well, he wasn’t a religious bigot
Personally I’ve found that sticker quite popular with religious bigots. They always seem to believe it applies to all religions except the one they are looking at at the time.
Not bidding on anything, not buying anything, not appreciating the begging.
hopefully you appreciate the free comics?
If I may: Bazinga!
For what it’s worth, I totally appreciate the begging. It makes me feel powerful, as your livelihood rests entirely in our hands. Draw, monkey, draw!
Feel free to bugger off, no one makes you read this comic.
Not appreciating the snob.
Maybe you believe everything should be for free… But then being beaten until things start making sense again would be for free too… Tough choice…
I believe that Itchy is sitting back smiling. YHBT. HTH. HAND.
(You Have Been Trolled. Hope This Helps. Have A Nice Day.)
Ethan, keep on making great stuff like this and you’ll never want for followers or buyers. If the octobear shirt came just a bit bigger I’d buy five. But I’ve already been burned by Topatoco’s “3X” before — what this country needs is a good $30 shirt for really fat people like me.
Begging is saying, “Give me money.” He’s not doing that. He’s saying, “Buy my painting.” (Or illustration.) That’s called advertising.
Now give me money.
Wow, yet another person who completely fails to understand the fundamental concept of a free market and the freedom this country affords you to figure out how to make a living doing the thing you love. Even worse, though, is the utter ignorance of those who fail to understand the precarious nature of trying to “make it” in an artistic enterprise.
I have to agree with Ross, I guess we have our first actual troll of the comic.
Wow, that hill looks really steep.
Shh, you’ll give away the next page!
I got a bear shirt
I owe you a man hug.
“bear” hug if you will…?
Thanks for giving us this art for free! It takes a lot of passion to do what you love and try to squeeze some pennies out of it. I’d love to try, but alas, I am not very good at it. You and TenNapel are among my heroes in the cartooning world. Watterson is the other that truely makes me pause in awe of creativity and skill.
I bet Nigel is going to have a new appreciation for humans and their “destruction of nature” once he gets back on the paved roads.
Nah. Then he will just complain about how the trees were defending themselves.
on the topic of my financial begging:
Of course in a perfect situation I would not have to take time and do extra art to make some extra income. In a perfect world I would just draw these comics and somehow the money from ads and merch sales would cover me. The fact is, I make just enough, sometimes not enough. With the financial scare I had recently I realized I need to start being creative with other ways to make money. There are a lot of people out here who want to throw money at my projects, I just need to give them the right reasons. The option really is either that, or I stop all these web comics and find a day job. My income teeters so close to the income of someone on minimum wage that at times I consider it. I don’t see myself as a victim or as one who is suffering, I feel I am very blessed to be able to make a living doing what I do. It’s awesome! But I need to be wise, and I need to build up some money to cover me when mony stops flowing in, or when expenses pile up. I have to be strategic. So that is what I am going for here. If one of my projects gets to another level (i.e. a TV show or movie or video game or something more lucrative) that will probably be the end of my days of begging. If those days arrive, then people will ask why I don’t do original art and sell it and I will say I no longer have time. I barely have time now. So, if you are someone who would want to buy my original art after I get more successful, you should buy it now, while it is cheaper, because there probably won’t be any later on. Huge thanks to every one who has bid. And huge thanks to every one who visits the site often. I have to put a lot of faith in my audience and hope they will show up, so thanks a lot for being here.
Axe Cop: The Video Game! I would totally buy it, even it was just some retro sidescoller. Also, thanks for the free comics. I love watching the story progress every week. I’ll probably still buy the book when it comes to print.
You have absolutely nothing to apologize for.
Your “begging” is a means of sustaining your livelihood. It’s the exact same thing as a company advertising on television to sell its product and get people informed about it. People don’t demand ads to not exist, so they shouldn’t do the same about your begging, especially on a webcomic that is entirely free.
Pay the man his worth.
So long as you don’t stoop to drawing yourself squatting on a street corner with a tin cup.
Unless you get hobo blood on you. Then it’s fair game.
Also, I don’t know why this page made me think this (perhaps it’s just the nice little quotes and suspenseful moments and wonderful timing), but I definitely look forward to the inevitable purchase and repeated re-readings of Bearmageddon after its conclusion.
Dude, you absolutely do not need to explain yourself just because some whining moron think he’s entitled to get everything for free.
Also, the comic is truly awesome.
Dude, you made a piece of art and you sold it. Please don’t let some random internet denizen make you think that is begging. None of those bidders did it out of pity. They did it because they wanted to hang an original octobear on their wall.
Hey Ethan, question for you.
Not to differ you from making awesome art the likes that I will for sure start trying to bid on if you do something the likes of George washington riding a Beagle, but have you ever considered putting a donate tab on your website?
Example: I’m currently deployed overseas. I read bearmageddon religiously. It’s more often than not, the biweekly “hell yeah!” pick-me-up of my week. From my viewpoint, the more money you get, the better chance I have to continue finding glee with bears mauling hipsters.
I would donate to this. Just a thought.
Edit: I feel slightly dumb saying this after the fact. You do have a donate option. It’s staring at me in the face. If it was a bear, I would be lacking at least a leg right now.
I will correct this mention as I obtain myself an octo bear wallpaper. In other news, if I’m missing things that obvious I may or may not need more sleep.
Haha well I appreciate it either way, thanks!
I’m assuming that by “deployed” you mean with our armed services. In that case, you probably do need more sleep.
Thank you for your service!
It’s not begging. Don’t let the idjits get to you.
Remember, “Never explain–your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway.” – Elbert Hubbard
Quit begging, hippie, and get a haircut.
But seriously, if advertising that you’re trading goods/services for currency is begging, then every successful business in the world is a filthy beggar. It’s called advertising.
It’s not begging. It’s called self-promotion, and it’s how people make money!
I don’t have a lot of money either, but when my birthday or Christmas rolls around, I make sure to tell my friends to support my favorite artists. Got an Octo-Bear shirt in the mail last week. Last week ruled.
I can’t believe somebody has the audacity to complain that you’re selling original artwork. I’m a huge fan of this comic; I read quite a few webcomics but this is the one I actually look forward to the most, and I have huge respect for you for this to be your sole income. I work for a free-to-play computer game, and it’s painful how many people bitch and moan about a free service they’re getting. Don’t let a cynical tightwad make you feel like you have to explain yourself for making income, the rest of us support you 100%.
Ordering an Octobear shirt as we speak!
Stu I agree. Its his art he can do what he likes with. Its not selling out (not that I think anyone has said that) its called being enterprising.
I love that they just came from a save the trees protest and are now rampaging through the forest. Ethan, this comic is the best.
haha thanks I’m glad you caught that
silly nigel, if he knew half as much about bears as he does about trees, he’d know bears have trouble running DOWN hills. that and i’m guessing town is DOWN the hill as well. i call – assuming the van survives – gogs or joel will be driving fairly soon.
Ethan, can i mail you pics of the inside of a VW bus? your dash “interpretation” leaves something to be desired lol.
Freaking love this work btw, fantastic art, colors and wonderfully thought out story. only wish i had the dough to buy your wares.
It’s not a VW, it’s an HW.
Oh Nigel, you funster! What will you get us into next?
I am 100% certain that the van will be used as a bomb at some point. I knew this ever since that one page with the ashtray.
Chekhov’s Hippie Van.
“If you place a hippy van and explosives on stage in act 1, you are required to blow it up by act 2. Otherwise, don’t put the hippy van on stage.”
To me, in the second to last panel, it looks like even the bears are thinking “where the heck is this guy driving?”, and that made me laugh.
You have no idea how much they need a dog to complete the image in the last panel.
I just read the whole Bearmageddon comic, and it. Is. Freaking. Awesome. I will definitely be following this one. I can’t wait to see the mutant bears in action.
This webcomic is too awesome for words. I just discovered it, and I’m instantly hooked and can’t wait for Wednesday.
Thank you Jason Brubaker! Ethan I found Bearmageddon due to your wonderful conversation with Doug TenNaple on his Making comics Podcast. I think between Axe Cop and Bearmageddon your gonna be alright. I see your gonna be at WonderCon AA-123 look forward to shaking your hand. I’ll be tabling in Small press 004 with the illopond. See ya there!
Man, I keep waiting for Nigel to buy it. Sanctimonious hippie douche! I’ve known so many people like him, hiding behind an ideology to disguise the fact that he’s a useless, soap-dodging pain in the ass…