UPDATE:  This original piece is now up for sale on eBay.  It will close Saturday night!  Please go and bid now!


I had a lot of fun drawing this page, and it was a lot of work, but totally worth it.  This is my favorite bear attack so far.  Poor Eric.

When I needed to draw a bear running at full speed and biting into a flailing dude, I decided I needed to use Poser.  I just needed to be able to mess with the pose and find something that worked, so I did.

yes, that bear is eating a naked child.


Don’t think I do this for every pose.  Just the tough ones.  This one was just so weird I felt I needed the extra help.  Poser comes in pretty handy for this kind of thing if you can find a good enough model.  The bear model that comes with it has been very helpful for me, even though it does not look great to me in the program, the proportions work to lay out a template so that I can apply my own understanding of bear anatomy (especially in the face) and make it work.  This has been really helpful when drawing bears running from a 45 degree angle.

Of course I mainly posted it because it’s hilarious to me.  I used the little kid model and stretched his arms legs a bit to give him something similar to the build of a skinny 20-something hipster.  I think it worked.

Up next, chased by bears.  See you then!



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