OK good I am glad to have moved on from the last page.  The comments section got a little unpleasant and though I did through some joking comments around, it felt like I was getting most of the anger from people who completely either did not get, or could not take, a joke.  Of course the internet’s main use is to misinterpret, call names and freak out.  So really I should be surprised we made it to page 55 before the first person called me an A-hole.


If any of you listened to the recent Making Comics podcast with Doug and me, you may have heard me mention my newfound appreciation for George Washington.  I have been quite taken with this guy and so I decided to do this piece, which is already sold.  But here is a photo.

George Washington: Actual Bad Ass

Oddly I was not even thinking about it being President’s Day, I just felt like drawing this and just so happened to finish it on President’s Day.  I am not trying to make an obscure or essoteric statement with this piece.  I did not leave it up to the viewer’s interpretation.  The message of this piece is simple: George Washington was a bad ass.

That’s that! See you Friday.



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