I know that on every page for the last few I have said something like “now THIS page is where it all starts”… but this page.  THIS page is where it all starts.  Well, for our characters anyway.  I know that’s pretty gross on that last panel.  I apologize, but I don’t know how else to draw a guy who was mauled to death.  It’s never going to be pretty.

If you ordered a commission from me, I finished them all on Saturday and shipped them off yesterday.  They are on their way.  I scanned in my favorites.  I will be sharing a few here and there.  So here is one…


Yep.  Axe Cop VS. Teddy.

I spent all day today cleaning my room and my apartment.  My life went into super-neglect when I was working on those commissions around the clock.  I needed a fresh start.  Now I need to hammer out some more pages before Christmas hits so I can take time off with my family.  That’s all I have for today.  We’ll see you here on Friday.






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