Wow. Thanks for all the responses last week about the black and white art. The overwhelming response was to keep posting black and white. A number of people felt I should wait to hear from Noah, and I did. He said he is going to catch up, but he is crazy busy right now and that I should keep posting the black and whites. So I will. But there are some upcoming scenes I really want to post in color, so I am trying to see if we will be able to get those scenes colored. These pages will be in color on that wonderful day that Bearmageddon becomes a book. Noah works in video games and I know those projects can be pretty intensive, as can coloring Bearmageddon pages, so I appreciate it.
Someone started this Facebook page as a campaign to “Save Keller” from being killed in Bearmageddon. Hilarious. This is one of many reasons I really like posting comics online before putting them in book form. I don’t think this would have happened if this comic came out as a book. This is how we entertain ourselves at the slow pace of one page per week.
Thanks to everyone who has ordered something from my wedding campaign. It’s going well, I’m just about halfway to paying for the actual wedding.
So do you guys think this log plan would work? Barring the arrival of any aquatic bears, I think Dickinson is pretty smart.
I’m not sure the logs will actually hide them that much. If the bears don’t swim (which you’d think an Octobear WOULD) they can probably stay safe for a while holding on to the logs (assuming they can grip them), but if the bears have shore patrols (who KNOWS what these bears are capable of) I wouldn’t think they could “sneak” ashore very well. Anybody watching the river is bound to be interested in the logs, since they’ll probably be the only large object floating there…
Octo-bear time!
barring the arrival of any aquatic bears….
This is just begging for the bearcrabs to start snatching people from below.
That, and depending on what time of year it is, I wonder how cold that water is. Hypothermia sucks hard.
Hmm; can’t be that cold because they were just camping in the woods in their sweatshirts and didn’t have anything to say about it.
They not only have to avoid being seen and heard, they also have to avoid detection by these animals who are kind of famous for their sense of smell. This impromptu dip may do our heroes some good as I doubt any of them have had much opportunity to shower recently. But as Iden DeSeer indicated, a leisurely 6 mile swim creates a great opportunity for hypothermia to settle in. All in all a terrible plan, but it’s not like they had any other choices.
Well, even if the logs wont work, its still kind of a “the best I could think of” sort of thing.
Not everyone is a master tactician in situations this stressfull, you know.
Wow, the logs landed closer to the kids than I would have thought. I don’t know if this is too soon for the reveal of OctoBear – I wonder if even Dickinson is prepared to deal with that kind of monster.
Then there’s the question of a Gatorbear, Pirhanabear (maybe not tropical enough for Pirhana or Gator). A Salmonbear would be nicely … ironic, I think.
Gogs was prepared for this! I love that he’s getting situations where he doesn’t look like a total idiot for wearing those goggles all the time.
Although, I’m having trouble telling who’s saying what in the last panel there, is that Nigel being a sarcastic jerk with that Ranger Rick comment?
I’d imagine he’s not being that snide at all. Probably just had a random memory fire up.
It’s certainly possible it’s someone else, like Gogs maybe, and they’re being sincere. Maybe the colored version will make it more obvious, but the speech bubble is kinda pointing in between the two people on that side of the log, and it’s kind of hard to tell who is who at this distance without the color anyway.
Ethan confirmed on the Save Keller facebook page that it was Keller making that comment (at least in his head). Which makes sense, it’s her and Gogs on that side of that log.
I love that Gogs still has that bear head. Can’t wait to find out what’s going to happen with that!
I can’t wait to see some sort of aquatic bear like a whale bear or something!
I love the Ranger Rick comment. It is a surreal sort of humor to be sure.
I love that sullen look on Nigel’s stupid face. Or maybe it’s shock at personally causing one of his best friends to die.
Either way I’m glad he shut up.
Also this is what I thought of when Killdeer threw the logs into the water:
╯°□°)╯︵ [llllllllllllllll] [llllllllllllllll]
Ranger Rick! Love it!
A big part of any survival situation where you haven’t got rations handy and you don’t know from where your calories are coming is to conserve energy. Drifting six miles downriver isn’t too bad a way to go, so long as it’s warm enough and you know where to get out. Always be prepared, right?
If anything, by the time they have to get ashore I can just about see Dickinson stepping out of a canoe leisurely carved along the way out of one of the logs (well, at least that’s what Chuck Norris would do and I have a sneaking suspicion Dickinson might actually be him in disguise and with some amnesia)…
Chuck Norris doesn’t get amnesia, he gives it. If he were to forget anything than somewhere in the past, the thing he forgot never happened.
yes, thanks for the Ranger Rick throwback. made me smile.
I’m more concerned by three things :
– Water is BAD at conserving energy. Not as bad as a bear kicking your ass, but still.
– Clothes + water + trunks is bad. Because wet clothes are heavy and trunks in water turn on themselves.
– Trunks in water have the bad habit to bang on each other. If you are between them, you are pulp.
Hmmm… would it be unsporting to start a “Kill Keller” group?
Enter the zombie octo-bear.
Hey, I thought that bridge looked vaguely familiar.
I had a subscription to Ranger Rick as a kid. This web comic is AWESOME!