Who’s We? (Vol 2, Page 104)
By the way, part of the reason I have been too busy to draw this comic is that I drew this book which is finally out… Alien Superstar, written by the Fonz himself, Henry Winkler, and Lin Oliver.
It’s a great book if you have kids around age 7-12. I did about 50 drawings for it.
Nigel is a piece of work. He abandons his unborn child and abandons his friends. Unfortunately, he is like a bad penny. He will show up later, probably brainwashed by bears.
In light of this comment, I demand that this comic climax with Nigel leading a brigade of bears into battle against our stalwart heroes, sitting tall atop a magnificent horse-bear and wielding… I dunno, whatever would be the faux-green version of a sword. Like, a selfie-stick or something.
Nigel is actually like a lot of the alleged “environmentalists”; spoiled rich kids who think traveling on daddy’s yacht across the atlantic entitles them to lecture governments, protesting on top of PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION and preventing actual working class schlubs from making a buck, while offering no real action or policies that’d actually improve the environment. They oppose actual, truly “green” initiatives/policies/etc as evil such as gentrification, i.e., middle and upper middle class people moving in to the city and thus no longer needing to commute 60 miles each way, or nuclear power plants which produce almost no CO2 and have killed the fewest people per petawatt of any power source even including Chernobyl and they are only getting safer especially now with the Gen IV plants that’ll be operating in a decade, or adopting intensive factory poultry and fish farms, which, while not exactly “good” for the environment, as far as meat production is concerned are by far and away less damaging to the environment as far less land and resources are needed per pound of meat than “organic” methods. I mean, we probably shouldn’t eat so much meat, but if we are going to…
I guess I’m wondering a little what counts as organic.
From what little I’ve read up on it, most meat takes up somewhere between 4-9 pounds of vegetable matter per pound of meat (partly because an animal is not just a cube of meat, it’s bones, organs, viscera and such as well). Many of the fake meat substitutes take less than 2 pounds of vegetable matter to create a pound of fake meat.
In anycase I’m mostly just curious, partly because I think I have an idea who the yacht reference is to and if I’m right, there are a few problems with the way that bit was phrased.
Nah, I’m on board with Corrupt User, in the states we have these urbanite loon proposing a farce “Green New Distraction” that harkens back to politics of division utilized by early communist: meanwhile any mention of: responsible permaculture sourcing of food; land ethics in revitalizing soils/biomes; nuclear energy; r3versible or low impact geoengineering; modifying lawn culture;
carbon captur3 & sequestration; or all science of solutions on to address climate crisis are completely off the table – hypocrisy at its finest
Henry Winkler! Very cool. My girlfriend and I saw him when I was doing security and she was an extra in “The Waterboy.” He was nice to everyone who was out there from what we saw.
Correction: He’s got a son TODAY. Just can’t hold him yet.
Possible typo in Joel’s 2nd balloon: Said “WE” was going to go live in the woods. Feel free to delete this.
Wow. Nigel. Whattapieceashirt
Also, my favorite part of this strip is how Joel asks “who’s we” because he has no idea that Dorian is nine months pregnant until the viewer sees her baby bump in the next panel.
We saw her bump last strip
I figure if he’s as unobservant as I am he doesn’t notice the bump until she spells it out
Sarcasm is difficult to do in print. So i’ll just say right now: The following sentence is sarcastic: “But the most important thing is that he cares about the trees!”
Was the grammar in the 2nd panel on purpose? “said WE was going to go live in the woods…”
I’m always impressed by how so many people who are for trees are also for killing babies.
I’m sure someone else has said it, and I’ve listed to your explanation on why it’s “necessary” for all the profanity, but why take the Lord’s name in vain? I have bought a couple of your books, especially Brave Ollie Possum, but I’m not certain I can trust what my family will stumble into in light of some of these choices.
I’m sure a dozen people will point out the obvious re: bears mauling people to death, but fictionalized animated violence set to the tune of deep sardonic wit does not mean “anything goes.” Or maybe it does and we’ll see nudity next…?
Are you guys making anymore pages? Last one was early last October
I plan on it but right now the comic is released as often as I am able to produce content which has not been as much lately. Thanks for checking it out, sorry I don’t have better news!
Thanks Ethan. I’m on the edge of my seat.
Dude Ethan, you take care of you. Including whenever you do or don’t post and share your work with us. You come first before us free loading webcomic readers!
Awesome webcomic. I’m addicted to it and I needs mah fix!!!
Plz Moar
Bearmageddon in the news: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/stock-markets-bearmageddon-scenario-appears-to-have-occurred-jonestrading-strategist-says-2020-03-15
Get those royalties, Ethan!
When are you going to update the story?
Will there be a one-year anniversary update comic in October, or has this strip been abandoned officially?
One year later… guess this is all done then huh
I dream of continuing. I actually do have some more pages I have been picking away at on my iPad, but haven’t had the time to get the colored and lettered and posted. I still intend to finish it some day.
I wasn’t expecting a reply so I never checked back! But good to hear and I hope one day the stars align and you’re able to continue and finish this story!
Really weird way to unofficially finish the script here.
How many pages do you envision you have left for this chapter? It’s a shame for things to end around what feels like a midpoint of a story arc, even if the next page is Joel saying “I’m going out to search for my family”, and a cliffhanger shot of him looking out at the carnage that’s reemerged.
Oh noes! The END! Gasp!!
Whew, all the way caught up. I started reading Bearmageddon way way back (2012?? no way of knowing now). What a nice surprise to rediscover a webcomic after such a long time.
I’m not even sure whether when I first stumbled upon Bearmageddon I was keeping up with the update schedule or if Volume I was already finished. Tracing it all the way back I think I found this through a “friend link” from Dr McNinja to Axecop, then you probably wrote about Bearmageddon in one of the Axecop updates. Idk why I’m telling you all this, trying to retrace how you got on a specific website is fun I guess
It’s been a blast being able to (re)read the entire comic from the start to Vol II so far. I binged the whole thing in a single evening. Bearmageddon is truly amazing!
All the way back at the start of the comic you would sometimes apologize for breaks in the schedule or a lack of updates. I hope you don’t feel too bad for the fans, it’s not necessary as I (and everyone) can only be thankful for such an awesome free webcomic. Although I wouldn’t blame you for feeling remorse about not being able to draw awesome bear mutants every day
Wishing all the best to Ethan and co. (shoutout to the artist who does the beautiful coloring). I’ll make sure to buy some mugs from the store for when my job opens up office again. They’ll make a nice conversation starter and will look great on the desk too!
Are we getting another issue soon? I need a sweet sweet conclusion
Howdy Ethan!
I’ve loved this comic, which I discovered about 4 days ago, and finished reading yesterday. Will you be continuing it, or is it available in some other format?
Thanks again!
Glad you like it! I hope to continue it some day. I work on pages now and then but right now I don’t have the bandwidth to post pages again.
Thanks for responding! Good to hear this isn’t over! Totally understand about bandwidth issues. Maybe a page saying “On hold for now” would let people know?
Is that really the limiting factor? we can’t help you out with a li’l fundraising maybe?
Just found the _real_ beginning to this storyline!
Ok, I really blew that last post.
Just found the _real_ beginning to this storyline!
Hope to see more of this soon
Followed by https://www.gocomics.com/fminus/2005/09/02
Hey there. Obligatory 2022 check in. Hope you are doing well in life Ethan. Still come here daily. Are you still hoping to release more pages?
Thank you! I have been slowly working on new pages when I have time!
I really enjoyed this story. Ethan, do you realistically anticipate continuing this at some point? I hope you do, but completely understand if you don’t.
Thanks I have been working on it but I don’t plan on posting any more until I have the rest of the story illustrated. It’s a slow process but I really want to get it done.
I’m really glad to hear that. I just read through the whole thing again for the first time in about three years. It still holds up. I think the lessons about manhood, taking responsibility, etc. are more relevant than ever.
Thanks Ethan,
I loved you in the Babylon Bee. I found this when, I started looking into what happened.
I have read through this and think it is great. I hope you and your family are doing fine and will continue to follow your work.
Hey Ethan, good to know you’re still working on this comic!
It’s so weird seeing my old comments, I was 19 when it started and now I’m 31. guh.
Oh good, site’s back up.
Man I hope any WIP Bearmageddon pages survived that flooding. And I also hope the financial stuff works out.
Oh, hey, we just passed the 5-year anniversary of this page! I’m glad that Ethan is working on finishing this story, even if it may take a few more years. I’d love to see the story continue!