Sorry for another day-late post. My life remains crazy. I was waiting until later in the day yesterday to see if a color version of this page would be coming in, and I also kind of labored over the dialog. Then I just ended up passing out earlier than expected last night. I have been moving since Saturday and that has really worn me out. My entire office is now relocated.
If you are going to Wonder Con, come see me at the ADHD panel at 5:30pm on Saturday! I don’t know what they will be showing as far as Axe Cop material goes but it should be pretty awesome.
We are getting close to page 100! I also am going to need to post fan art and guest episodes in May so I can focus on my wedding and honeymoon. So if you want to send me anything celebrating 100 pages, or a guest episode or anything, I will happily post it and share a link back to your own web comic or web site.
ALSO: I would like to update the cast page but have no time to do so. I think it would be cool to get some fan-submitted cast bios. Pick out an obscure character on a page of Bearmageddon and write me a bio for that character. Email it to and I will post my favorites. Just try not to make it obscene and don’t try too hard to be funny. Just think of a real person you know and base it on them, that is how I do it.
Ha! Been waiting for that punch.
Someone out there who is capable of animation: Please make an animated gifloop of this moment. I am begging you.
indeed! please xD
That is the most satisfying panel in webcomic history
“Ohh, Nigel didn’t deserve that,” said no-one ever
Wonder if that smack is going to knock some sense into him, or if it’ll lead Nigel to storm off when he comes to, straight into the jaws of an awaiting bear…
This comic presents all the major weaknesses of this generation. We can’t work with our hands. We are dependent on our parents. We have been trained to think that we are special, unique, and wise. We whine articulately in order to defer responsibility without taking any action ourselves. We, being moral relativists, don’t believe in virtue or honor (like Dickinson).
Dickinson is the manifestation of much that we are missing and much that we are yearning for. He is an honorable and capable man. He does what is hard even when it seems hopeless.
Metaphorically speaking, Dickinson isn’t punching some jerk named Nigel. Dickinson is punching all of us. He is punching us awake.
this is possibly my most favorite comment I have ever had posted on any of my comics ever.
Really? Because those opinions, which parrot your own, are plastered all over the Internet.
whaaaaaat they are??!!!
Don’t be such a sourpuss, Nigel.
Wow, thanks, Ethan!
But on the plus side we produce soldiers that are inestimably better than those of previous generations.
Also pretty much ever generation is accused of this 😛
You might argue that these are multi-generational problems that have their seeds in changes taking place at the close of the 19th century. That being said, every generation needs to do its own soul-searching. Every generation faces its own peculiar demons.
Kever, your opinions on people you’ve never met are unmatched and your blanket statements are top quality! I bet you even have an anedote about one time how you met a spoiled kid, and that kid equates to everyone in a generation, because one person you’ve met randomly certainly represents everyone, everywhere, all the time, without fail! You’re the best….Thanks Kever.
And thanks to this broad generalization of people who want to protect nature, I now have changed my opinions also. Thank god for weak, stereotyped characters!
You know what the only real problem with this generation and every generation before it? People’s inability to judge individuals as individuals and not representatives of an entire sect of people. Congrats and fuck you all.
So, essentially, Blerp, we shouldn’t try to understand anything because to try and understand makes us judgmental. Hmmm, let us know how that works out for you and your anger issues.
While Blerp does seem inordinately angry, he never said anything about trying to understand stuff being bad. he just said that passing blanket judgement on whole generations (or on whole group in general) is bad. He took issue with one person’s understanding of the comic or, more accurately, their understanding of the nature of a segment of society.
I tend to think it’s a somewhat absurd sentiment to say that our generation can’t do any manual work, and I don’t really see that, the ability to articulate, or moral relativism as weaknesses or problems to be corrected. That said, he did accurately interpret the author’s meaning in a thoughtful way. Good on Kevin!
I think that it’s possible to make meaningful speculation about the tendencies of a generation, Blerp, just as it is possible to talk about the tendencies of any group that shares a similar context.
Think about how difficult it would be for historians to identify characteristics of an era if they were forbidden from making general statements. They would be unable to speak about any cultural trends that might explain why individual Romans, Visigoths or Victorians behaved as they did.
While cultural trends influence individuals, I still agree with your sentiment that, ultimately, individuals must be taken on their own terms. Consider, though, that Andrea is also a nature lover, and she is not a pompous hate-worthy character. I doubt that Ethan is saying anything negative about a desire to protect nature.
The onomatopoeia here represents Dickinson declaring it’s punch-o-clock.
I have to say though, chaining themselves to trees put them in danger alright, but getting out of the city kinda saved their lives in a way. No one here was EXPECTING bears to go berserk, so you can’t judge anyone by how prepared they were for bears going berserk. You CAN on the other hand judge them by how the decisions they took helped you survive, and Nigel is the main responsible for getting Joel and Gogs out of the main attack zone.
I know, right? The way I see it, if bears declared war on humanity, then they’ll go after human population centers first, and so Chained-to-a-tree is the last place they’d look for humans. Like I bet the bears can pull up a database on the locations of where people are, and it says, “Not in a tree.”
YES! OMG I think I just reached a state of extreme satisfaction! I’m going to print out Dickinson punching Nigel and staple it to my body pillow so I can hug it at night.
Eh. I don’t get pleasure from beating up strawmen. I have a bad association with that and Chick tracts.
Gogs, if you get separated from the truck where your bear head is, feel free to practice your punching on Nigel.
Nigel, you kind of agreed to this the moment you jumped off the bridge. You had the choice to stay with your precious van.
I really want that guy to get eaten by a bear already.
aw yisss
I want a print of this comic.
I want to frame it and I want to hang it in my place of business.
This is my favorite thing you’ve ever done Ethan.
nigel is ok with human extinction…yet he doesn’t volunteer to go first. how odd. and selfish.
Sad thing is a lot of people are going to cry ‘strawman’ but there really are people like that errydamnwhere… and we need to get back into the habit of punching certain folk when the time is appropriate.
We need to be ready to call people stupid and shame them as much as possible
Well, he is a sort of strawman for environmentalism and liberal youth, but yes, some people are like him. A very small minority. And yes, he 9and many of them) deserve a good punch.
Does Nigel even know what the definition of fascist is? People throwing out political terms as insults while having no idea what they are bloody saying is an unbelievable pain in my ass.
No, the stereotypical liberal environmentalist teen does not research his political opinions very well. Did you think he would?
There are a lot of times I wish this comic was more subtle in its dialogue (which makes social commentary *more* effective, not less). That said, this moment was extremely satisfying.
ETHAN! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME! Don’t make Dickinson your mouth-piece! He needs to say what you want to say through actions, not [as much] words. I say this because I love the message and want more, but there is a more effective way of translating it than spelling-it-out!
Don’t worry, I’m sure we can clean up the script once Bearmageddon gets optioned for a movie adaptation. 🙂
Second-last panel: “I’m unfit and need to be weeded out of the gene pool, lol”. What kind of retard simultaneously believes his entire species should be killed and wants to not help prevent it because he doesn’t want to be killed? What?
Also I just realized I am angry at a webcomic character’s fictional opinions. Nice job, Ethan!
If/when this page gets colored, I really would like the last panel to stay black, white and red. The awesomeness of the punch knocks the color out.
+10 😀
You know it just occurred to me what a perfect verbal beatdown to Nigel’s final shout oh “I’m not going to stand in Nature’s way” might be, but it would require some fourth walling because I don’t think the characters have the info required for it. But once they see Machine gun bears, that should be enough.
That’s clearly an “I am a man!” punch.