Page 50!  I can’t say I planned for this page to just happen to post the week before the Superbowl, but it works.

A couple things… First, you may have seen my Facebook post asking if people would be willing to pay to be in Bearmageddon as bear attack victims.  There was a huge response and, frankly I need the income!  Between Christmas, a couple large surprise bills, a long time without a very lucrative con or sizable check… these comics just aren’t paying for themselves like they usually do.  So this is what I came up with as a way to monetize Bearmageddon: pay me and I’ll put you in the comic as a bear attack victim.  Mike, the Bearmageddon webmaster dubbed them “bearicatures”.  Details are on the page, I tried to make different price levels to give most readers an opportunity.  The only catch is there is definitely a limited number of opportunities, so if you want a spot, buy it up!  I thank you in advance if you are one who chooses to buy one of these.

Next, Doug TenNapel and I were interviewed by Jason Brubaker on his Making Comics podcast.  Jason has only posted the first half of the interview, and it is an hour!  This was one of the funnest and most in depth interviews I have ever been a part of.  We really got lost in it as it went along.  This was a live, in person podcast.  Doug and i went to Jason’s home and recorded this in his studio so it is not your typical skype call podcast.  There is definitely material in there that you will have heard before if you follow this blog, but I still recommend it especially to anyone who has aspirations to work in comics and related fields.

Also, if you didn’t see it yet, here is the TMNT cover I did with Noah Maas.  It is a variant cover on the April issue of the new IDW TMNT series.  This was a blast to draw.

That about covers it for today.  We have officially made it through the first bear attack of the comic!



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