And then that happened.
I have to resist saying too much about this page, because this is just a teaser for the next page, so for now… there you go. Some random arms just chopped that bear in the brain. And for all of you scrutinizing the barf for the key, sorry to burst your bubble. No such luck. But hey, you got this instead.
I’m excited and terrified for Bearmageddon to continue. Excited because of where the story is headed, terrified because somehow I have to find time to draw it all. Every page I post I am a little farther behind. I am currently working on this new Axe Cop miniseries which currently involves drawing a lot of gorillas. If I’m not drawing a bear, I’m drawing a gorilla. Those are two animals I consider a real pain to draw.
So, enjoy this page, and enjoy wondering what the heck is going on until next Wednesday. See you then.
That guy’s fists are almost as big as Joel’s head!! This must be the Grizzly Adams character that Ethan has been talking about.
wow…how often do you check this? I had the fluky joy of checking JUST after it updated, read it, wrote something and then when my mouse was over the post comment button u showed up
I try to post as much as I can on this website. It helps my band’s video generate hits on youtube.
Plus, I just really love this comic!
Lord of Beasts!
^^^ Yes.
Escape via Axe Battle < Escape vs Retrieved Key
Who is that guy?!?! Can't wait for the next page!
*via Retrieved Key, rather
Axe Battle is less than Retrieved Key?
I think you mean Axe Battle > Retrieved Key. The alligator eats what is greater.
DANG IT! Not a good typing day. You are quite wrong…I mean RIGHT! Quite RIGHT! ARGGGHHH!
Too bad there was not a like (or love) button for our comments, because I LOVED yours.
I concur–this is clearly Axe Cop with woodsman powers.
He got lumberjack blood on himself.
And i fail for not reading all the comments. It’s already been said.
YES! I’m seriosly hoping for some axe cop crossover here….
Just imagine how much of a pain drawing the gorilla vs. bear fight that Gogs was talking about at the beginning would be.
Also, hurray! Humans are on the scoreboard with one intentional bear kill!
yeah! First bear kill. It’s a special moment.
Wouldn’t it be the second? Or does the bus not count?
first INTENTIONAL bear kill Anata wa bakada
Come on, don’t be silly. That can only mean one thing.
That’s Paul Bunyan.
(OK, or one of McNinja’s patients. Long story.)
You win, fine sir.
and on a completely different note, could that be the Flute Cop cameo guy?
The look on the dead bears face is just so good. This thing just keeps getting better.
I can’t tell if that’s the look of brain dead or horked off. As if the Bear is saying, “Oh no, you didn’t.”
If it were a hammer in the Bear’s skull, I’d be inclined to guess Thor. Those wrist things with the leather ties are very Norse legend-y
Looks brain dead to me.
I have never seen so much bear blood in a comic before. Is it weird that I’m rooting for the bears?
Oh duh he was doing it for the key… for some reason I though he was making him barf to make him smaller so they could shimmy out of the chains
Anti-bearmageddon man!
Obviously Axe Cop got lumberjack blood on him, obviously not a bad lumberjack.
oh, just noticed there is a leaf coming out of the axe, just can’t wait to see what kind of Axe Cop/lumberjack we’re dealing with.
I always thought we’d underestimated the power of Leaf Man – when Flute Cop wished him back his powers, he must have also told the unicorn horn to “pump him up”.
Geez, am I the only one who’s noticed how Andrea has gradually gotten more and more cartoonish? O.o she started off normal but now she’s as cartoony as everyone else.
You’re not alone. I’ve noticed it too.
Conan? Is that you?
Who wins in a fight between drawing a grizzly bear and drawing a gorilla?
Please. It’s the character from LORD OF BEASTS!
The video games; they’re coming to life!!
You’re really good at being original, I thought that the key would surely come up from Nigel’s puking. Now we have some sort of badass woodsman saving them all.
This is clearly not Axe Cop. It is a Cop Axe. A normal Axe that have the power to use humans.
Those look just like the fur gauntlets from Skyrim.
I am forced to assume they are being saved by the Dovahkiin.
Next, he’ll shout and they’ll go flying across the landscape.
You could draw a Gorilla-Bear (stupid Fiend Folio monsters, HO!)
so… AWESOME. THat scene.. hot damn..
Though the sheer awesome realism of the bear kinda clashes with ol’ cylinder-head there.. but not so badly that it ruins it, it’s still great.
This. Oh goodness, it is so wonderful!
I just gotta add, I love the way you draw the claws on the bear. I just love all those close ups of those dangerously deadly claws for some reason.
Green leaf- must be a fresh-made axe. Or axe handle. Special for the occasion.
If that was Chuck Norris he would have shot or punched the bear.
*roundhouse kick
Maybe it’s the clone of Theodore Roosevelt?
It looks an awful lot to me like the cartoon that Noel’s brother drew for him. I’ve seen that this comic can be wacky so far, so I can’t cross it out.
sorry, sorry, sorry, but: Deus Axe Machina
I hope that guy is one of the characters from Lord of Beasts!
I know we don’t get to vote, but I vote for the guy Lord of the Beasts “Based on a true story!” is based on. Also, “hint: that is not a hippy.” I never woulda guessed
I was wondering if the drama in this comic was going to come from suspense or from action. Today is a pretty clear answer, I’m pleased.
So in the last panel, where the (now deranged) bear is above Joel’s head, at a rough guess i would put the top of the bear’s head at 6ft, accounting for the considerable loss in height suffered by Joel as the weight of a 700lb grizzly shifts onto him.
then i judge our mystery man (if indeed he is a man) by the angle of his arms to have his axe at about mid chest height, given that roughly a thrid of his height is probably above his chest i put his total height at between 8ft and 9ft.
if in the next panel the mysterious man turns out to be anything other than a 9ft collossus i will be a little let down
i suppose he could be hanging from the tree above, but as this would limit his axe swing, he (or she (or it)) would have to be VERY strong indeed to fracture the bear’s cranium in that limited space
one last note and then i’m done (promise)
I like the fact that all of the recent pages are tagged ‘normal bear’ keeps reminding me that this, as intense as it is, is only the beginning.
keep up the good work
I think 6 ft. is a bit of an over-estimate. Joel is almost certainly fallen prone on his back, as you can tell by the previous panel and the bear’s bent legs as he stands over him. I’d guess the bear’s head is closer to a level with the one in panel 1 (possibly lower, as he’s about to chomp the face off a person on the ground). Assuming Nigel is the average male adult height of 5’10”, I’d guess the bear in the last panel is at 5 feet, tops. The axeman is most certainly a tall guy to strike at that angle, but not absurdly so. Honestly, following the typical axe-chopping motion, his head is probably about level with that of the axe, as the body hunches over for added leverage (not to mention the effect of perspective). He’s probably about 6’6″-7′, and about as broad ’cause he’s clearly jacked.
That would be my guess, anyway, if I was gonna get real nitpicky.
yes, I may not have illustrated the action well, but Joel is laying down there, the bear knocked him over.
fair enough but i still think a 9ft lumberjack would seriously even the odds
please ignore this i’m just curious
Oh god please let Cody and Bart be real people.
I think its an entirely different character very similar to the video game characters.
My prediction is that Nigel will whine and bitch about the axe guy killing an endangered wild animal.
Bored at work! More Bearmageddon NOW!
That guy isn’t very smart if he’s trying to hack through a bear’s skull. All that is going to do is piss the bear off.