Well, I guess my little break was more than a few weeks. I apologize for the longer-than-expected hiatus. Basically my new writing job has become life consuming. I now commute 90 mile round trip each day, often in traffic, leaving my house around 9:00am and returning home after 8:00pm. What’s left is generally saved for my family. Last month we also went on a family trip to Hawaii right after I crammed in and finished Axe Cop: the American Choppers. I was drawing 2-4 pages a day on that thing at the end to have it done in time. Once I got back from Hawaii, my writing job escalated faster than I realized it would.
But, here we are. I am most likely setting Axe Cop aside for a while. My only focus when it comes to comics right now will be Bearmageddon and at least getting book 1 finished so that I can finally print something. I have managed to draw about a page a week for the last couple weeks, so I am hoping to keep up and maybe even get more done if I can get ahead at work.
Anyway, that is my story since we last spoke. I’m excited to be getting back to this project. I love every page. It’s so fun to draw. Thanks for reading and thanks for being patient. And HUGE thanks to my Patreon supporters! I still can’t believe I’m makin’ some money with this thing now!
Welcome back! New page looks awesome.
Congrats on everything you’ve managed to squeeze in the last few months, including a family trip 🙂
I told my daughter about new Veggie Tales coming soon, and she can’t wait (she’s 5, so she *literally* can’t wait).
Yahoo! Flaming bears! Bear-fondue. Awesome! Welcome back! Extraneous exclamation marks!!!!!!
Errrr, I mean Bear-Flambé. The rest of it still stands!!!!
Woooo Bearmageddon is back!
That was a lot of fire for a coupple water balloons.
was happy to see my rss feed change on this today great to see that you are back to work on this 🙂
Welcome back!
So glad you’re back! Can’t wait for more bear action!
Woo hoo!!!! more epicness on the way!
also, hope you enjoyed the vacation 🙂
Woooohoooohoooo!!!!! Welcome back sir!!! I have missed your clever onomatopoeia(s?)!!!
Awwwww heeeellllzzz yeeeeeeaaaaahhhh! BEARMAGEDDON!
I can totally see this as a ninja turtles/double dragon style beat em up, where the protagonists spear, axe, and propain/gas balloon endless bears.