Currently I am in Nashville working on the new Veggie Tales series with my buddies Mike, Doug and Eric. We are having a great time, though we are cramming in a lot of work and I brought my Axe Cop homework with me, I was also smart enough to prepare Bearmageddon ahead of time so that I could finish it up remotely and post it while I was away from home. So, here it is! Thanks for the read, and thanks for coming to my site.
Gogs is proving himself to be pretty good at crafting weapons out of every day stuff. He should do well in this apocalyptic world as he matures.
Can’t wait to see them take on a small army of bears with modified flame throwers!
Panel 6: “Eat = at”
Thanks for posting another page! Love this story. Honestly I can’t get enough. I missed the boat with the Bearicatures, but would definitely be interested in signing up for one if a spot opens up. If ever you feel like adding in another person to get mauled, I’m your guy. 🙂
What does Gogs sound like to you? Cogs! His name foreshadows him becoming good with machinery!
and the goggles.
Eat least?
Can’t blame them, they’re all hungry.
Hank Hill would be proud.
on youtube hahaha. That would not fill me with confidence. Still, given their options I’d light it as well.
I don’t know the specific physics of it, but fire can’t travel through holes. I imagine it’s something to do with oxygen flow. There’s a danger of the flame heating the tank enough to make it rupture and *then* explode, but the fire can’t travel up the fuel supply into the tank.
Hovertext: “I didn’t now” shall be “I didn’t know”
Grogs, I love the way your devious mind works.
“Kids! don’t try this at home!” Nice one, Gogs!
Yeah “I’ve seen this on youtube” can often be someone’s last words.
That and “Hey! Watch this!”
Good to see Gogs has discovered a productive outlet for his Jackass tendencies.
“No, seriously, man, I swear I saw a guy do this once on TV!” *proceeds to kill 30 bears with nothing but a toothpick, a box of matches, a bicycle chain, and a thesaurus* “See?”
Hey! For once I (kinda) figured out what you had up your sleeve! Flaming propane tanks – very clever … unless of course you are holding them when they explode.
I think propane tanks are designed to withstand the increased pressure just in case there is a fire.
And that, boys and girls, is how Balrogs are born…
Love the page! One comment: typo where it says “eat least” instead of “at least”. Just FYI in case this ever goes to print! Keep Bearmageddon coming!
Awesome page Mr. Nicolle,
Once the Star-Nosed Mole-Bear broke through the floor I had suspected that either more bears would flood through, or the group would use the tunnel to escape; I like the direction you took it more. I find it interesting how Gogs deals with pain so well, with the injuries he has sustained I’m surprised he can do anything, let alone kill a bear and form coherent speech. I’m also surprised Dickinson hasn’t objected to Gog’s idea of using the tank, since their inside and it could explode. In the beginning of this comic I never would have pegged Gogs as any sort of homemade weapons specialist but I have a feeling that’s where you plan to take him, which works very well. Well done Mr. Nicolle, and I can’t wait for this week’s page.
oh my gosh! You’re working on Veggie Tales?! Loved those since I was a kid, (And now I have young nephews who provide the perfect excuse to watch again!)
Also, YAY! New page!! I love that Gogs is stepping up and atually helping instead of trying to pump his ego. Way to go kid!!
I don’t know if it’s a typo or intended but Gogs says: “I assume with enough fire we can EAT least get the bears […]”