I’m sorry for being a day late two weeks in a row. I’m on a tight deadline again with Axe Cop, I also had an Axe Cop cover due which always takes me a lot of time on top of all of life’s other demands. Thanks for being a very patient and kind audience.
I just sent off all the Axe Cop wedding orders, so I will tackle the Bear Battle Print soon. We are working on getting the order form back up, but I am warning all involved, it’s going to be a slow process to get it done. Once I get going on it I’ll post the progress each time I post a page here.
Well, since I still don’t have color for this comic I had to add some gray to that last panel so you could tell the sun was setting. I’m working on getting a colorist lined up soon so that hopefully Bearmageddon will get back to being colored. Unfortunately I think Noah is done… he stopped responding to emails and I haven’t heard from him in quite a while.
That’s weird. Is Noah working on his own stuff now? Seems odd to stop in the middle.
In the past when Noah wasn’t available, it was just that he puts his day job and family ahead of coloring Bearmageddon. I don’t fault him a bit, but I certainly miss seeing his work!
Haven’t commented in a while even though I’m reading the comic weekly. The story is great! Keep it up! How soon before we can expect a Volume 1 in comic stores?
I feel like page 66 would be a great place to leave off for a volume 1 as far as climactic goes, but it may not be far enough into the story. page 100 i think would be another great volume 1 ending.
I LOVE THE PISTOLS FOR PANDAS PIC. my whole life in highschool was garnished with homestarrunner cartoons!
I really love this page, the mood is perfect – well worth the wait. I know you’re worried about the recent delays with Bearmageddon updates, but you seem to be an extremely prolific artist who always produces top quality work. I think your fans both recognize those characteristics and value them.
So sorry to hear about all the trouble with your colorist, though.
Just want to let you know that I am continuing to enjoy the story. It’s been pretty exciting from the get-go, and now the pace has picked up again. Who cares if there’s color? You tell a darn good tale in black and white. The color is just icing on the cake!
I’ll second that. In fact, I actually prefer the black and white (and red) art over the colored version in some ways.
Me, too. Colour it for the print version. It’ll give us eager fans even more reason to buy it!
long-time lurker, just wanted to say I love this comic and check religiously for updates.
Great stuff, love the building tension… keep it up Ethan! And remember – people who complain about what you generously publish for free have their heads on backwards!
Just read this on the news and there’s a noticeable similarity between the events of the story and those of this week’s page:
If Gogs doesn’t punch a bear through the skull at some point in this story I will freak out! I know it’s not the point of the narrative, but I have got to see him Mantis Kung-fu punch a bear right through its domepiece!!
you should have a bearmageddon colouring contest!
Just post up the best coloured comic page!
I’ll bust out the coloured pencils!
Hope you don’t mind trippy rainbows appearing everywhere innapropriately. lol
I’m kidding, I do hope you find a colourist though, even though I think it works fine without the colour.
Loving the story progression. Really enjoying how Bearmageddon is carrying on and while I think colour would be cool I don’t think we miss out at all with it being black and white. Your linework is stand-up and speaks for itself.
Keep up the amazing comic!
Apparently Syria is the first step in the Bearmageddon… http://www.theonion.com/articles/syria-conflict-intensifies-as-bears-enter-war,33659/